Press release

Actress, Director, Author, and Activist Natalie Portman to speak at IAA MOBILITY 2023

Berlin, August 06, 2023

Academy award-winning actress Natalie Portman will be appearing at IAA MOBILITY 2023 as a keynote speaker at the IAA Conference on 5 September 2023.

IAA MOBILITY 2023 is not only the most important mobility event of the year, but it is also a platform for discourse seeking solutions for the sustainable, innovative, social mobility of the future. More than 500 speakers from the political and economic spheres, as well as the most important companies from the automotive, technology, bicycle, and micromobility sectors, will be coming together in Munich from 5 to 10 September to do this. 

IAA MOBILITY will see people from all walks of life sharing their views on tomorrow’s mobility. Up until now, these have primarily been leaders from politics and business. In 2023, IAA MOBILITY opens up to integrate even more significant perspectives by relevant speakers. These speakers will be taking a complementary and inspiring look at the challenges facing the mobility sector, as well as the solutions that have been put forward there, and presenting their own points of view. They also allow communities to participate in the discourse at IAA Mobility that would otherwise probably be left out.  

One of them is Natalie Portman who will be appearing at the IAA Conference as part of the IAA Summit being held at Trade Fair Center Messe München. She is looking forward to joining industry leaders who will share their perspectives on mobility with the industry and the public on 5 September 2023 on the Main Stage. 

She has spent years lobbying on social policy topics, campaigning against social inequality and poverty, as well as for veganism and climate action Given her interest in combatting climate change, the topic of sustainable mobility is also a major concern for her – especially taking into account her many responsibilities requiring her to travel all over the world. She believes that each individual can make a contribution in his or her everyday life, but that the right framework conditions are needed. In the end, the change can only be achieved by everyone together: individuals, politicians, and the industry. 

Quote from Natalie Portman: “In order for the transformation to sustainable mobility to succeed, sustainable mobility solutions need to be made affordable and accessible for everyone,” noted Portman. “I’m looking forward to discussing the opportunities to accomplish this at IAA MOBILITY.”

Quote from Hildegard Müller, VDA President: “The transition in mobility can only be successful if we in society act together and take the realities of people’s lives into account. Natalie is an authentic personality who has been successfully lobbying on social policy topics for years, alongside her international film career. I am very much looking forward to her visit and conversation.”  

Quote from Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München: IAA MOBILITY would like to enable people from all walks of life to do their bit to help bring about tomorrow’s mobility. Natalie is a star who has frequently put forward points of view in an exemplary manner in the past, and has been an inspiration to others.” 

Quote from Jürgen Mindel, Managing Director at VDA: “Natalie Portman’s attendance shows that there is a broad interest within society in topics related to climate-friendly, digital mobility. She’s a person who has often proved that a lot can be achieved in society with composure and tenacity. I’m looking forward to seeing her on the Main Stage.”  

Tobias Gröber, Head of Consumer Goods at Messe München: “Natalie's participation shows that sustainable mobility is a topic that moves and concerns everyone. From Munich citizens to stars the IAA MOBILITY is the right discussion platform to help shape the mobility of the future internationally.” 

Other Key Opinion Leaders at IAA MOBILITY 2023  

Other exciting Key Opinion Leaders have confirmed that they will be attending the IAA Conference along with Natalie Portman during IAA MOBILITY 2023. There will be more information on this in the weeks to come.  

IAA Conference as part of the IAA Summit from 5-8 September 2023  

The IAA Conference is the world’s major mobility conference, and is taking place from 5 to 8 September 2023 as part of IAA MOBILITY at Trade Fair Center Messe München. You can find the whole conference program here. The IAA MOBILITY ticket also includes entry to the IAA Conference for the IAA Summit in the Trade Fair Halls. You will find more information on IAA MOBILITY 2023 here. The current ticket price for an IAA Summit day ticket is 159€. The Early Bird promotion runs until August 13, 2023. 
