Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Welcome to the FAQ section, which helps you to find answers to frequently asked questions about IAA MOBILITY 2025 quickly and easily.

Welcome to the FAQ section, which helps you to find answers to frequently asked questions about IAA MOBILITY 2025 quickly and easily.

IAA MOBILITY 2025 in Munich has a target audience-oriented concept, serving as both a forward-looking mobility platform and a dialogue forum.  

The IAA Summit and IAA Conference at the trade fairgrounds offer a venue for professionals and experts (B2B and B2ESG) from around the world to exchange ideas on innovative mobility solutions and world premieres.  

In the Open Space, Munich's most beautiful squares in the city center become forums for discussing future mobility concepts and stages for experiencing new technologies (B2C). 

IAA MOBILITY consists of two event areas with different durations: 

  • The Open Space in Munich's city center is open to the general public (B2C) from September 9 to 14, 2025 (Tuesday to Sunday). 
  • The IAA Summit (including the IAA Conference) is a paid event for professionals (B2B) held at the Munich trade fairgrounds from September 9 to 12, 2025 (Tuesday to Friday). 
  • The press day at the IAA Summit on Monday, September 8, 2025, is exclusively for accredited media representatives. 

The Open Space (September 9 to 14, 2025) will likely be open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. On Sunday, September 14, it will close at 5:00 PM. Evening events by exhibitors in the Open Space can continue until 10:00 PM. 

The IAA Summit (September 9 to 12, 2025) is expected to be open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 

The press day (September 8, 2025) for journalists will likely run from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The organizer reserves the right to adjust the opening hours if necessary. 

To stay updated on IAA MOBILITY, subscribe to our visitor newsletter (B2B / B2C). Follow us with the hashtag #IAA25 on social media platforms. 

News and updates are also available on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok

IAA MOBILITY 2025 is organized by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) in collaboration with Messe München GmbH. 

With the IAA Open Space, the IAA MOBILITY brings the innovative mobility of tomorrow to where it can be experienced, right in the heart of Munich's city center. The exhibitors will focus on concepts and offers for new and sustainable mobility. All vehicle and mobility presentations will focus on emission-free or low-emission solutions. This makes the IAA MOBILITY an event that expands visitors' ideas and shapes a positive image of the future of innovative mobility. All IAA MOBILITY offerings in the city center are accessible free of charge. The IAA MOBILITY is a forward-looking concept, because it brings the mobility of tomorrow to where it should be lived: In the middle of the city. The IAA Open Space gives exhibitors the opportunity to meet their buyers, users and brand ambassadors in the most prominent places in Munich's city center. In contrast to classic brand presentations, the exhibitors are targeting the general public with elements focused on dialog and entertainment. Stand constructions are designed in an urban way and blend into the cityscape as organically as possible. In addition, the mobility solutions presented can be experienced directly on site: visitors can test everything - from cars and e-scooters to e-bikes - up close and personal. 

The IAA Open Space will be open from September 9 to 14, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. On Sunday, September 14, it will close at 5:00 PM. 

Public parking spaces in the city of Munich are available for visitors. 

Public charging infrastructure is available at the Summit in the West parking garage and throughout the city. The Federal Network Agency's charging station map can assist with planning. 

Setup in the Open Space begins on Thursday, September 4, 2025, at 6:00 AM. Daily setup is allowed from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. All exhibition stands in the Open Space must be completed by 10:00 PM on September 8, 2025. 

Dismantling ends on September 17, 2025, at 10:00 PM, with daily activities allowed from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. 

The Open Space is generally accessible and free for everyone. For concerts and social events, tickets may be required as per the authorities' requirements. 

Exhibitors in the Open Space must offset unavoidable emissions from their event presence by supporting climate protection projects. This recommendation extends to Summit exhibitors as well. 

The comprehensive security concept for IAA MOBILITY 2025 is developed in close coordination with Munich's security authorities. Short-term adjustments may be made as needed based on external and security-related influences. 

Security and surveillance of the general event areas outside opening hours will be provided. Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their stands. 

Sanitary facilities, including wheelchair-accessible toilets, will be available at event locations. 

The Citizens Lab is a free dialog platform as part of the IAA MOBILITY 2025. The inviting area on Munich's Marienplatz combines a large, covered stage area with exhibition spaces, interactive hands-on activities and places to linger. 

The aim is to bring people together and facilitate an open, solution-oriented dialog on the key topics in the context of "mobility of the future". The Citizens Lab offers a platform for a wide range of innovations, products and discussions on the question of how climate-friendly mobility can be designed between urban and rural areas. 

The Citizens Lab is not a specialist event. The citizen-oriented dialogs and participation formats cover technological and social topics in equal measure. 

In entertaining formats, citizens discuss the future of mobility with representatives from business, science, politics and civil society. Every form of transportation has its own impact on topics such as climate protection and climate resilience, the development of our cities, social integration, energy generation and resource conservation. The Citizens Lab is a place where all stakeholders are invited to discuss peacefully, interested in the perspectives of others and on an equal footing. All topics and questions are based exclusively on the latest scientific findings. 

The Citizens Lab is free for all citizens and players in urban society and every person visiting the IAA MOBILITY to participate actively and constructively in this dialog about the future. 

You have the following options for participating in the Citizens Lab: 

  1. participation in the form of a topic submission 
    Does your heart beat for a mobility-related or sustainable topic that you would like to bring to the public stage in Munich city center? From spring 2025, you will have the opportunity to submit a topic with suitable speakers via the IAA MOBILITY website. 
  2. attend a session 
    Many participatory formats and sessions will take place in the Citizens Lab, inviting you to get actively involved. The Citizens Lab is a place of fair, respectful debate culture and the stage guests will always discuss with the audience at eye level. 

Please contact Diana Eberl, Project Manager IAA MOBILITY Citizens Lab, at [email protected].

The Citizens Lab is organized by the VDA in collaboration with Messe München. 

Program details will be published on the IAA MOBILITY website starting June 2025. 

Participation in the Citizens Lab and its sessions is free. 

IAA Experience is the experience format of the IAA MOBILITY 2025. At the IAA MOBILITY 2025 at the beginning of September, exhibitors will once again make numerous different forms of mobility from cars to micromobility available for visitors to test. The clear focus is on experiencing climate-neutral and future-oriented mobility. Cars can be driven in the city or on the motorway, while micromobility such as e-bikes, e-scooters and cargo bikes can be tested in the open space. 

There will be various test opportunities at the IAA MOBILITY 2025. Emission-free cars will be available as part of the "Test Drives" at several departure points at the Summit and in the Open Space. 

ADAS, LiDAR and telematic systems can be tested at the Summit. Interested visitors register at the exhibition area of the participating exhibitor. The departure points are located in the loading yards. 

On the Cycling & Micromobility Parcours (Cycling Activation Area in the Open Space), bicycles, e-bikes, cargo bikes and scooters can be tested under real road conditions on a closed circuit. 

On the Cycling Test Track in the English Garden (Open Space), bicycles and e-bikes can be tested without the need for a license plate. The bikes will be handed out at the stands of the participating exhibitors in the northern Ludwigstraße. 

The Bus Shuttle allows IAA visitors to experience the latest bus innovations as a passenger. Several stops in the Open Space connect the different locations with each other. 

All test opportunities are organized by the participating exhibitors. Please find more information on our IAA MOBILITY website under "Experience", as well as all registered exhibitors and participating vehicles in our official IAA MOBILITY app under "Experience". 

Test drives (passenger car test drives) can be booked in advance via booking tools of the participating exhibitors, if such a tool is available. Visitors will find the link to the respective booking tool in the individual vehicle entry in the IAA MOBILITY app. Visitors can also register for test drives on site at the departure points. 

For the Cycling Test Track in the English Garden, visitors can rent the desired bicycle or e-bike at the exhibitors' exhibition areas in the Open Space and go to the Test Track from there. 

For the Cycling & Micromobility Parcours, visitors rent the desired bike, e-bike, cargo bike or scooter at the exhibitors' exhibition areas in the OS and go from there to the registration container at the parcours to register for a ride. 

No registration is required for the bus shuttle. You can get on and ride free of charge at the bus stops. 

Yes, the Bus Shuttle is free for all visitors. 

The Summit forms the core content of the IAA MOBILITY and the perfect stage for companies as innovators in the mobility industry. Under the motto "Mobility meets Professionals", the IAA MOBILITY 2025 offers its trade visitors at the Munich exhibition grounds many formats such as press conferences, a multi-day conference programme in the form of the IAA Conference, startup areas and various networking opportunities. The Summit addresses industry representatives from all mobility sectors. It is the ideal platform to follow current expert debates on mobility and to make contacts. 

The IAA Summit, including the IAA Conference, is aimed exclusively at trade visitors and is subject to a fee. This B2B event will take place at the Munich exhibition centre on weekdays from 9 to 12 September 2025, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 

The West parking garage is available for parking. 

Public charging infrastructure is available at the Summit in the West parking garage and throughout the city. The Federal Network Agency's charging station map can assist with planning. 

Ticket sales will start in spring 2025. Information on IAA MOBILITY professional visitor tickets and prices will be available on the IAA MOBILITY website. 

Yes, professional visitor tickets can be purchased at the West entrance. Please use cashless payment. 

Public transportation usage is intended; more information will be provided later. 

Yes, but it requires purchasing a professional visitor ticket. Ticket prices can be found on the IAA MOBILITY website. 

The IAA Conference is the international B2B conference program of the IAA MOBILITY and takes place as part of the IAA Summit in the halls of the Munich exhibition grounds.   

The IAA Conference takes place from September 9 to 12, 2025, alongside the IAA Summit. 

No, access to the conference stages is included in the regular Summit professional visitor ticket, as well as press and exhibitor tickets. No extra ticket is needed. 

The IAA Conference is one of the world's leading conferences for decision-makers and networks mobility and technology topics holistically on its stages. In over one hundred keynotes and discussion panels, more than 500 high-ranking players from politics and business, visionary opinion leaders and technical experts will meet on our stages to discuss the most important topics, challenges and opportunities of future mobility.   

The IAA Conference takes place on two stages (Main Stage and Summit Stage), as well as up to three dialogue-oriented forums.  The stages are located in the halls of the IAA Summit. For the first time in 2025, there will be a Masterclass Stage where companies can present products and innovations.   

The conference language is English. 

The topics of the IAA Conference are as diverse as mobility itself - the key topics of IAA MOBILITY can be found in the conference tracks - we cover the areas of automotive, cycling, micromobility and public transport, as well as mobility services such as MaaS or Mobility as a Service. Technology-driven topics such as autonomous driving, AI & GenAI or software-defined vehicles, as well as drive technologies of the future and battery tech are also on the agenda. These will be complemented by sustainability-driven topics relating to the circular economy and supply chains. Last but not least, topics relating to urban and rural mobility will be discussed - in addition to the expansion of the charging infrastructure for e-mobility, the focus here will also be on holistic intermodal and multimodal, integral mobility solutions as drivers of innovation in the cities and rural areas of the future.   

The IAA Conference team is responsible for the programme. We specifically invite C-level decision-makers and players from politics and society. We also work with high-calibre partners, such as the University of St. Gallen, the MIT Mobility Initiative and the World Economic Forum in 2023. Furthermore, IAA MOBILITY customers curate their own sessions as part of sponsorship packages.   

The IAA MOBILITY 2025 is a live event. To experience the mobility of the future, you should plan a visit to Munich. And be sure to follow the IAA MOBILITY on the social media channels, where selected content from the IAA Conference will be digitally extended. 

The press day at the IAA Summit is on Monday, September 8, 2025, exclusively for accredited media representatives.  

The opening hours for journalists are from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Press conferences will take place at exhibitor stands, the International Congress Center (ICM), the Main Stage, and the Yellow Forum of the IAA Conference. 

All information about the press day and press releases can be found in the IAA MOBILITY Newsroom at www.iaa-mobility.com/en/press

Journalists can find all press material in the IAA MOBILITY Newsroom at www.iaa-mobility.mediaportal.ai/en/.The image files are available there free of charge for journalistic and editorial use. 

Accreditation for journalists with a valid press ID starts at the end of May 2025