Press Accreditation
Here you’ll find all the information about press accreditation for IAA MOBILITY 2025, along with direct access to the accreditation form.
Here you’ll find all the information about press accreditation for IAA MOBILITY 2025, along with direct access to the accreditation form.
Thank you for your interest in press accreditation for IAA MOBILITY 2025. The accreditation form is now available at the following link.
Travel, accommodation, and visa: Find all the important travel information here.
* Please note that old user accounts are no longer active, and a new registration is required in all cases.
Your Contact
For general questions about accreditation, please contact:

Bettina Mayer
PR Manager
- Please use the online accreditation. On-site accreditation may result in longer wait times.
- Each person must register individually via online accreditation. Blanket collective requests for editorial offices will not be considered.
- After successful registration and verification of your data, you will receive your accreditation by e-mail in PDF format for printing. You must either print this out on site or carry it with you on your mobile device. Please note that due to the large number of requests and examinations, it may take several working days for your accreditation confirmation to be sent to you.
- Accreditation is granted solely for the purpose of journalistic reporting. Accreditation as a media representative can be granted to persons who have their journalistic activities in the field of text, video, TV, photo or blog related to the key topics of Mobility, Technology & Innovation, Sustainability & Environment, Smart Infrastructure as follows:
- Holder of a valid press pass issued by a German or foreign journalists’ association,
- By providing a link to at least three digital articles or copies of print articles not older than six months at the time of accreditation, that prove a connection to the author and topic, or
- By submitting a written assignment from an editorial office in the original with reference to the IAA MOBILITY, or
- By means of a web link to an online publication or blog that is established in the IAA MOBILITY theme communities and has relevant reach (minimum 1,000 followers or a regular click rate of over 500 views).
There is no right to accreditation. In individual cases, the organizer reserves the right to request the presentation of a valid personal document with a photograph at the time of entry.
The following groups of persons will not be accredited:
- Persons without journalistic credentials as defined above, as well as persons whose activities are not primarily journalistic in nature, such as account managers, sales managers, advertising managers, webmasters, PR consultants.
- Private persons accompanying accredited media representatives are also excluded.